Dissolve Fundamentals


Learn how to find comfort and peace in place of anxiety, anger, self-doubt, stress, fear, depression & old injuries. Not only for yourself but also your friends, loved ones, and family. No more feeling hopeless and confused, it’s time to take control.

Embark on your journey of healing through clarity and release.

Dissolve Fundamentals Course

Learn how to find comfort and peace in place of anxiety, anger, self-doubt, stress, fear, depression & old injuries. Not only for yourself but also your friends, loved ones, and family. No more feeling hopeless and confused, it’s time to take control.


At the end of this course, you will have the option to continue your journey, and become a certified Dissolve Practitioner. Here you’ll be able to treat in a professional capacity, helping countless people, and making Dissolve your life!


Before we treat anyone, we must first begin fixing ourselves – we want to be open, clear, and grounded. This is what makes Dissolve Therapists special. There is no ‘blind leading the blind’ in Dissolve. You will be offering your helping hand from a position of strength, calm, and peace, derived from your own training and experience.

Embark on your journey of healing through clarity and release.


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    Dissolve Practioner’s Course
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